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Combat mode

This is the mode you use when attacking enemies.

Melee skill

Melee skill increases your chance to hit with a melee attack.


Strength determines your Health and the power of your attacks.


Dexterity determines your Stamina and allows you to regenerate Health faster.


The stamina bar shows your current fighting capacity. Each time you attack, your Stamina decreases. If the bar is empty, you can’t perform standard weapon attacks anymore. Stamina regenerates slowly over time, but you can also drink a stamina potion.

Concentration / Combo points

You gain concentration from successful weapon hits. You can use it to start devastating combo strikes. The number of available combo strikes increases with Melee level. Different combo strikes are available for each weapon class. Higher combo strikes require more concentration. Combo attacks are different for each weapon type and don’t require Stamina.

Basic attack

Available with any weapon or a torch equiped or even without any weapon.


Repelling Strike

A resolute attack aimed at the lower hit zone. Required a dagger and 1 combo point.


Heavy Strike

A massive strike that strikes all hit zones. It deals twice as much damage when the enemy is at full health. It also increases your critical hit chance by 25%. Required a dagger and 2 combo points.


Bold Thrust

A thrust that strikes the center hit zone once and the high hit zone twice. It also increases your critical hit chance by 25%. Required a dagger and 3 combo points.


Carving Lesson

An elaborate attack that strikes all hit zones. It also increases your critical hit chance by 50%. Required a dagger and 4 combo points.


Downward Slash

A forceful blow that strikes all hit zones. It also increases your critical hit chance by 50%. Required a sword and 1 combo point.


Vampire Fangs

This attack drains the life energy from your opponent and may restore a small amount of your Health. Required a sword and 2 combo points.


Precise Cut

This attack hits the target three times. It deals twice as much damage when the enemy is at full health. Required a sword and 3 combo points.


Avenger’s Swing

This legendary attack stuns its target. Required a sword and 4 combo points.


Aggressive Swipe

This powerful swipe strikes both the high and the center hit zone. Required an axe and 1 combo point.


Grounding Strike

This attack deals damage and has a chance to stun the target. Required an axe and 2 combo points.


Berserker Blow

This violent blow critically hits its target if the target is below 50% Health. Required an axe and 3 combo points.


Revenge Strike

This complex strike deals damage to your enemy and restores some of your Health. Required an axe and 4 combo points.

Developed by Cinemax. © 2014-2018 CINEMAX s.r.o. All rights reserved.
THE KEEP is a Nintendo eShop game available for Nintendo Switch™. © 2017 Nintendo. Nintendo Switch and Joy-Con are trademarks of Nintendo.